• The pheromone molecule DHEA is also referred to as:
    • 5-DHEA
    • Dehydroepiandrosterone
    • Dehydroisoandrosterone
    • Androstenolone
    • Prasterone

    5-Dehydroepiandrosterone is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans. It is the major secretory steroidal product of the adrenal glands and is also produced by the gonads and the brain. It is present in the saliva, sweat, and urine of both males and females.

    DHEA is synthesized from cholesterol by way of pregnenolone and then 17α-hydroxypregnenolone. Most DHEA in the blood is converted to DHEAS. DHEA levels in the blood reach their peak in the early morning hours, while DHEAS levels remain stable throughout the day.

    5-DHEA has a number of naturally occurring isomers that may have similar pharmacological effects. Some isomers of DHEA are 1-dehydroepiandrosterone and 4-dehydroepiandrosterone. These isomers are also technically DHEA, since they are dehydroepiandrosterones in which hydrogens are removed from the epiandrosterone skeleton.

    DHEA has been implicated in a broad range of biological effects in humans and other mammals. It acts on the androgen receptor both directly and through its metabolites, which include androstenediol and androstenedione, which can undergo further conversion to produce the androgen testosterone and the estrogens, including estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Despite being a very weak agonist of the androgen receptor, it primarily antagonizes that receptor. DHEA is also a potent sigma-1 agonist. It is considered a neurosteroid.
    • Most common chemical name: (3β)-3-Hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one
    • Molecular Weight: 288.424 g/mol
    • CAS Number: 53-43-0
    • Wikipedia entry

    History of use as a pheromone

    DHEA has a relatively long history of use as a pheromone, but has been tested by very few individuals and included in relatively few products.

    James V. Kohl reports that Winnifred Cutler "claimed on the Montel Williams show (I have the transcript) that she was using DHEA or its sulfate" in her Athena Institute pheromone products, for which the formula has never been released. DHEA has been used in several discontinued pheromone products from Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie, including Synchronicity and Drop Your Guard.

    5-DHEA is currently used as a minor constituent in the following products:
    • Cohesion for Men from MassageXS
    • Achar, Alfa Maschio, Charme, Corporativo, and Exotique from Alpha Dream

    Summary of reported pheromone effects

    The following effects have been reported by individuals who have tested DHEA as a pheromone:
    • Increased sense of immediacy and involvement in the physical environment. Increased physical sensation.
    • Feelings of relaxation and comfort
    • Increased perceptions of youth and healthfulness
    • Increased sense of humor
    • Increased friendliness and politeness
    • Decreased aggression in self and others

    It has also been reported by several users to be a very potent buffer of androstenone and androsterone, to enhance the friendliness of alpha androstenol, and to enhance the beautifying effects of androstenetrione.

    Some users have reported that in higher doses, DHEA can be status-reducing and produce a childlike impression on others.

    Where to buy DHEA

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